
Pocket Sundial Project
- Make a real sundial to tell time
- Learn how sundials work
- For ages 8 and up

Long before mechanical clocks and watches were invented, people used sundials to tell time. As the sun moves across the sky, the shadows it casts change their position. By marking where the shadows fell, people learned how to tell the time of day. This cylinder or "shepherd's" dial was widely used hundreds of years ago because it was inexpensive, simple to make and easy to carry. (Even George Washington carried one is his pocket!)
Forget digital watches! Scouts will love to make a natural time-piece of their own. And we have made it easy! Simply color in the time chart and tape it around a small wood dowel. Insert 2 eye hooks (it's easy because we have drilled the holes for you), attach a piece of string and there you have it - the coolest sundial of "all time".
Ages 8 and up.
Unit Goals and Concepts:
- Learn about how sundials were "discovered" and how they've been used for a long time.
- Understand how sundials work.
- Construct a real sundial that scouts can use to tell the time
Materials Included:
- A wood dowel, eye hooks, a sundial graph, and all other supplies you'll need for each scout to make his or her own pocket sundial.
- A baggie for each scout to take his or her project home in.
- Our exclusive activity guide that provides leaders with everything they need to teach about sundials.
The only materials you supply are crayons or markers.